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Start applicaton

R Portable

  • Execute lcmStartApp.bat in the application folder
  • A Web browser will open and display the empty application
  • To quit the application, simply close the browser window

Local installation

RStudio console

  1. Open the R Studio Project by clicking lcm.Rproj
  2. Either run runApp("./app/shiny/") in the console, or open the file /app/shiny/server.R in the files tab and click the green arrow “> Run App”
  3. The application starts
  4. To quit the application, press the red stop icon
  1. Create a new desktop link
  2. Define the following target:

    "C:\Program Files\R\R-3.6.3\bin\R.exe" -e "shiny::runApp('C:/PATH_TO_YOUR_APP/app/shiny', launch.browser = TRUE)

    where you need to replace PATH_TO_YOUR_APP with your folder location:

  3. When double-clicking the link icon, a Command Prompt as well as a Web browser open
  4. To quit the application, close the Command Prompt